Tuesday, March 20, 2007

CodeGear's CodeRageous Event

As many of you probably know, CodeGear's CodeRage was held March 12 - 16. Aside from a few technical difficulties early on, I think it was a resounding sucess. The sessions were very informative and professionally done, and I look forward to the next CodeRage.

Its pretty clear, CodeGear is "where developers matter." The mood and focus now is much different than it has been in the past when it was Borland. Borland always seemed a little too monolitic and detached for the average programmer. CodeGear is changing all that because it's where developers do matter.

They are still in tansition from the old to the new. There are some growing pains of course, and placing orders online for CodeGear software seems to have its challenges as well. I tried to order "Delphi for PHP" from their on-line store last Friday, but could not get my coupon for a 25% discount to work. Its seems others had the same problem. I got an email asking me to complete my order, but I do not know how to get my discount and I am afraid it has already expired. No matter, I will still order it when its ready. I have bought every version Delphi (you heard me: that includes 4, 8, 2005 as well) since Delphi 1.

Mistakes and glitches will happen or course. Its part of life. It's never if you will make a mistake because you certainly will, Its about how well you handle the mistakes you make. so with that in mind many Kudos to Micheal Swindell, VP Product Management for his tireless efforts to personally resolve the ordering and downloading issues some developer' experienced this past weekend. He epitomizes the spirit of where developers do matter. You can go to his blog and see for yourself: http://blogs.codegear.com/michaelswindell/archive/2007/03/16/33096.aspx.

With the advent of Delphi 2007 for WIN32 so begins another chapter in the Delphi wars "The Return of the King."

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